Smart Module Integrates BTLE Stack With Or Without MCU

Microchip’s new RN4020 Bluetooth 4.1 Low Energy (BTLE) module, carrying both worldwide regulatory certifications and Bluetooth SIG certification, is pre-loaded with a Low-energy Data Profile (MLDP), enabling streaming any type of data across the BTLE link. 

The stack-on-board module can connect to any microcontroller with a UART interface, or it can operate standalone for basic data collection and communication, such as a beacon or sensor. 

The standalone operation, facilitated by unique no-compile scripting, allows module configuration via an ASCII command interface. 

The module provides a built-in PCB antenna with 7 dBm transmit power and a receive sensitivity of -92.5 dBm, enabling operation over 100 m in a compact form factor of only 11.5 x 19.5 x 2.5 mm. 

Target markets include home automation and appliances, wearable devices, remote controls, pulse and proximity sensor-based systems, and industrial applications. 

The RN4020 BTLE module is available today for $6.78 each/1,000. 

The RN-4020-PICtail flexible BTLE PICtail/PICtail Plus daughter board, available now for $49, enables code development via USB interface to a PC, and over the onboard In-Circuit Serial Programming interface for Microchip’s PICkit or MPLAB REAL ICE tools.


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