USABC C3 HPPC C-rate test recipe sample of Neware BTS4000

For HPPC test, you can refer to FreedomCAR test manual for detail: According to the test situation mentioned in the manual, Neware BTS4000 enables you to record data for those pulses at high frequency and for rest at a relatively low frequency without generating many unnecessary data. And DCIR value is easily handled by marking the DCIR records

This is a typical USABC HPPC test based on USABC standard, you can also perform the same test in Neware BTS4000.

Download the test profile from here and load it in your Neware BTS software, remember to modify the voltage and current parameters based on your battery specification before you hit the ‘OK'(run) button.
Don’t know how to load test profiles onto Neware software? Here’s the video for your reference.
Want to know more about USABC standards or manuals? Here:

What does a typical HPPC test result look like? Here it is.

USABC HPPC C-rate test result in curve/plot and detailed data.

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