Neware on The Second International Conference on Energy Storage Materials

The Second International Conference on Energy Storage Materials was held at the graduate school at Shenzhen Tsinghua University in 7-10 November 2018. It was jointly organized by the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute and the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, supported by ELSEVIER Publisher and Industry-University-Institute Cooperation Innovation Alliance for Advanced Battery and Materials.

The conference mainly focuses on advanced energy storage materials and devices, and invites well-known scholars and entrepreneurs in universities and institutes from different countries to discuss the research and industrialization progress of the above mentioned materials and devices. At the same time, there will be oral presentations and poster sessions held in this conference. it aimed to bridge between distinguished foreign and Chinese scientists, policy makers and entrepreneurs to exchange and cooperate, to promote the application of energy storage materials and the process of the energy storage devices.

Neware was very honored to be one of the Exhibitors in this conference, learned and shared experience with the industry exports and stakeholders, and we made lots of friends from all over the world as well. 

For More Information: 
‘The Second International Conference on Energy Storage Materials’ 

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