Toshiba Electronics Europe (TEE) has expanded its family of high-efficiency and compact super junction MOSFETs with devices offering voltage ratings to 650V. The new 650V MOSFETs are suited for applications that may have to operate in environments with fluctuating mains supplies or very low temperatures. Extended voltage capability also supports improved design flexibility by increasing safe operating margins. Toshiba’s latest 650V power MOSFETs are based on the company’s fourth generation super junction DTMOS IV deep trench process and are available in seven different compact packages.
Devices can be supplied with an integrated fast recovery diode (FRD), which helps to reduce component count and board space in high frequency switching applications. Target applications for the 650V series will include switch mode power supplies, lighting ballasts, photovoltaic inverters and other designs that require a combination of high-speed operation, high efficiency and low EMI noise.
As a result of the company’s DTMOS IV technology, the new MOSFETs combine ultra-low on resistance with reduced die size, leading to very small form factors without power loss penalties. A strong advantage of the DTMOS IV deep trench process compared to a standard super junction process, is the lower thermal coefficient of RDS(ON) over temperature. DTMOS IV also minimizes MOSFET output capacitance (Coss) for improved SPS operation at light load. Furthermore, an optimized gate-drain capacitance (Cgd) delivers improved dv/dt switching control. The new 650V line-up of devices is available in D-PAK, I-PAK, D2-PAK, I2-PAK, TO-220, TO-220SIS and TO-247 package options. Maximum RDS(ON) is from 1.2Ω down to just 0.055Ω.
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