Automatic reporter software from Neware for BTS

We are often ask by customers, do you have some reporter software which working with BTS software, to make the reporter better and easier?
Today we introduce the reporter software from Neware for BTS. It’s based on .net framework and totally graphic.
Please download it from and have a try.
And we took some screenshots and made remarks for your reference.
Automatic reporter software from Neware for BTS
This is the main start up window, if it shows DB connects failure, no worries, go to setting tab to set up the parameters firstly.

Automatic reporter software from Neware for BTS
In the setting tab, there are several key parameters to set up, IP address of the mysql database, normally it’s the IP address of the local computer(, and generally, please leave all the other parameters unchanged.

Automatic reporter software from Neware for BTS
And please choose the cycle mode option according to your actual test step, C means charge, D means discharge.

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