Infineon Technologies AG has launched a 6.5 kV power module that features IGBT and freewheeling diode functionality integrated into a single chip. This new RCDC (Reverse Conducting IGBT with Diode Control) chip is designed for modern high-speed trains and high-performance locomotives as well as for future HVDC electric power transmission systems and medium voltage drives used for example in oil, gas and mining industries. Compared to previous modules with the same footprint, the RCDC technology delivers a 33 percent increase in current density and improved thermal performance. Thus it supports longer lifecycles and enhanced reliability, ultimately minimizing maintenance.
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With the RCDC technology Infineon extends its high-performance 6.5kV KE3 portfolio of IGBTs. The increased current density is a result of more active silicon area in both forward and reverse current direction giving designers the flexibility to increase system output power without incurring space penalties. Alternatively, the benefits of increased power density can be used to maintain power while reducing the number of IGBTs and, therefore, system size, weight – and cost.
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Engineering samples of the RCDC modules are available now, with starter kits including driver evaluation board scheduled for Q4 2015. To simplify and speed implementation Infineon is offering a variety of design-in support options including application notes and control concepts.
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