GeneSiC Semiconductor, Inc.announced the immediate availability of a line of compact, high-temperature SiC junction transistors as well as a line of SiC rectifiers in TO-46 metal can packages. These discrete components are designed and manufactured to operate under ambient temperatures of greater than 225 degrees C. The use of high-temperature, high-voltage and low on-resistance capable SiC transistors and rectifiers can reduce the size/weight/volume of electronics applications requiring higher power handling at elevated temperatures. These devices are targeted for use in a wide variety of applications including a wide variety of downhole circuits, geothermal instrumentation, solenoid actuation, general purpose amplification, and switched mode power supplies.
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High-temperature SiC Junction Transistors (SJT) offered by GeneSiC exhibit sub-10 nsec rise/falls times enabling >10 MHz switching as well as a square reverse biased safe operation area (RBSOA). The transient energy losses and switching times are independent of junction temperature. These switches are gate-oxide free, normally-off, exhibit positive temperature co-efficient of on-resistance, and are capable of being driven by 0/+5 V TTL gate drivers, unlike other SiC switches. Unique advantages of the SJT in contrast to other SiC switches is its higher long term reliability, >10 usec short circuit capability, and superior avalanche capability. These devices can be used as efficient amplifiers as they promise a much higher linearity than any other SiC switch.
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“GeneSiC’s Transistor and Rectifier products are designed and manufactured from the grounds up to enable high temperature operation. These compact TO-46 packaged SJTs offer high current gains (>110), 0/+5 V TTL control, and robust performance. These devices offer low conduction losses and high linearity. We design our “SHT” line of rectifiers, to offer low leakage currents at high temperatures. These metal can packaged products augment our TO-257 and metal SMD products released last year to offer small form factor, vibration resistant solutions” said Dr. Ranbir Singh, President of GeneSiC Semiconductor.
Products released today include: 240 mOhm SiC Junction Transistors, 300 V blocking voltage. Part number GA05JT03-46 and 100 V blocking voltage. Part number GA05JT01-46 both feature, Current Gain (hFE) >110, Tjmax = 250 degrees C and Turn On/Off Rise/Fall Times <10 nanoseconds typical. And up to 4 Ampere High Temperature Schottky diodes, 600 V blocking voltage. Part number GB02SHT06-46, 300 V blocking voltage. Part number GB02SHT03-46, and 100 V blocking voltage. Part number GB02SHT01-46 that all feature Total capacitive charge 9 nC and Tjmax = 250 degrees C. All devices are 100% tested to full voltage/current ratings and housed in metal can TO-46 packages.
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