Easiest way to get the information of Neware BTS middle machine

When new customers try to connect Neware battery testers with their computer, the 1st question is how to tell the status of middle machine. Because the information of middle machine is very important, right? Middle machine is the bridge between testers and computers. If the computer connects with middle machine properly, and the testers connect with middle machine properly, then the computer should recognize testers, right?

Ok, if you set up the ip address of the middle machine correctly, you can use the PING command to see if the middle is alive in your LAN. If you ping the ip address of the middle machine and it replies you with the following information, it means the computer and the middle machine connect successfully.

Neware BTS middle machine information

And when you input the ip address of the middle machine in a browser, if it can shows up information likes following screen, it means the testers connect with middle machine correctly. From the following screenshot, we can tell there are 2 testers connected with this middle machine. And you can see other more information of the middle machine.

Neware BTS middle machine information

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