Hanergy Plans 300 MW CIGS Solar Module Manufacturing Facility In China

After a slew of acquisitions in the thin-film solar power technology market, Hanergy is now taking steps to add them into its existing production infrastructure.

The latest news is that thin-film solar module manufacturer Hanergy Thin-Film Power Group Limited plans to establish a 300 MW flexible CIGS manufacturing facility in Changde, which is located in the Hunan province of China.

Though it is unclear which of the acquired CIGS technologies would be used at the new production facility, however, this move is a part of the company’s ambitious 5.25 GW expansion plan for CIGS products which was announced in 2013. With this new manufacturing facility, Hanergy would definitely be looking towards expanding its business beyond conventional CIGS manufacturing technologies. Once completed, this 300 MW CIGS facility of Hanergy would be the largest flexible manufacturing facility in the world.

A wholly owned subsidiary of Hanergy Solar Power Equipment Company Limited would be responsible for the construction of the facility in collaboration with a local government and development authority. The land for the construction of the facility will be leased to Beijing Jing Cheng Platinum, another subsidiary of Hanergy, at concessional rates. The construction of the facility is expected to be over by 2016.

Hanergy has been on an acquisition spree targeting several companies outside of China. It recently acquired Alta Devices Inc, a California-based manufacturer of high-efficiency thin-film solar cells. It also acquired Arizona-based Global Solar Energy Inc, Silicon Valley startup MiaSole, and the Solibro unit of Germany’s Q-Cells. Hanergy has a strong presence in renewable energy in China with several hydropower, solar power, and wind power projects.

Even though Hanergy has successfully completed the acquisitions of several module manufacturers, however, performance of its new CIGS turnkey production lines is yet to be seen.

Source: https://cleantechnica.com/2014/12/23/hanergy-plans-300-mw-cigs-solar-module-manufacturing-facility-china/

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