CODA Energy Installs Largest Behind-The-Meter Energy Storage System In Los Angeles Basin

CODA Energy, which was formed out of CODA Automotive when its electric car sales weren’t going too well, has just installed the largest behind-the-meter energy storage system in the Los Angeles basin. Using lithium-ion batteries, it is a 1,054kWh / 510kW system. CODA Energy has a contract with South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) regarding this project, and the energy storage system was co-funded through California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP).

As noted just a couple of days ago, the solar+energy storage market is expected to grow at a very fast rate in the coming few years, but the storage market beyond solar-connected projects will grow very fast as well. Used for peak shaving, frequency regulation, and grid stability & reliability, energy storage serves many purposes.

“In a year when the energy storage market has been poised for explosive growth – one that can be compared to the booming solar PV market 5 years ago – CODA Energy has decisively moved to a leadership role in California’s behind-the-meter market,” a press release from CODA Energy noted. “CODA began installations at the beginning of the year and already has nearly 3MWh of energy storage installations with manufacturing, retail, and public sector customers. With manufacturing based in Monrovia, California, CODA Energy designs and builds scalable commercial and industrial energy storage solutions that support a smarter, cleaner, and more resilient grid.”

It seems to be doing much better as an early pioneer and leader in this barely budding energy storage sector than it was able to do in the electric vehicle sector. Overall, this market seems to fit the team’s expertise and competitive advantage better.

Regarding the new project in California, CODA Energy writes: “The project demonstrates the scalability of CODA Energy’s peak shaving product architecture by managing demand charges for its facility headquarters.”

“CODA Energy set high goals for this year. We now have proven solutions that cover the full spectrum of our commercial and industrial customers’ needs for peak power and energy. Our behind-the-meter active and interconnected storage systems range from a 40kWh UL listed energy storage appliance to this 1,054 kWh scaled and tailored aggregation solution,” said Peter Nortman, COO and CTO at CODA Energy.

“We provide the most innovative, reliable, and technologically advanced storage systems currently available. This system is actually comprised of two (2) networked and aggregated multi-tower systems that can operate in concert or deliver independent, specialized services. CODA’s scalable hardware and proprietary networking software give us high flexibility in system configuration, and the ability to expand in a cohesive and modular way within a site, across multiple sites, or regionally. We have achieved our 2014 goal of putting a solid, working foundation in place that we can scale from.”

Last year, we reported on an “Eco-Station” project CODA Energy was involved in. The project is “a solar-integrated EV fast-charging station design that’s been made more efficient and economical than other fast-charging stations through the use of energy storage.”

It’s hard to say who’s going to really come out of the energy storage market growth on top, but it looks like CODA Energy’s quick entry into the market and competitive solutions could set it up for strong growth one way or another.


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