Start-up Enit Systems focuses on Decentralized Intelligence for the Smart Grid

Enit Energy IT Systems GmbH is the latest spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISEin Freiburg. Enit develops and markets monitoring and control systems for decentralized energy systems like combined heat and power plants, photovoltaic systems or industrial consumers. These systems help customers gain more transparency about their electricity, heat and gas consumption. In addition, the company’s products enable intelligent system control and more efficient operation. The internally developed technology, called OpenMUC, adapts itself to the customer’s system and remains flexible for adaptions in the future. Since September 1, 2014 the company Enit Systems is up and running in Freiburg.

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“Our customers are industrial firms, energy supply companies and direct marketers,” says Hendrik Klosterkemper, CEO of ENIT Energy IT Systems. “They receive highly efficient control technology, which is customized to fit their specific needs. Our company’s expertise is based on more than five years of technology development and research in Smart Grids.”

Enit Systems, which emerged from the Department of Intelligent Energy Systems at Fraunhofer ISE, presently employs six engineers. The founding team consists of Hendrik Klosterkemper, CEO; Pascal Benoit, CTO; and Simon Fey, Specialist for Communications Architecture and Smart Grid Protocols. Contact with its roots avidly continues with Prof. Dr. Christof Witter, Dr. Robert Kohrs and Stefan Feuerhahn, the founding partners of the company at Fraunhofer ISE. The technology transfer between research and the new start-up is maintained.

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The start-up was sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in cooperation with the Center for Renewable Energy (ZEE) of the University of Freiburg within the EXIST Transfer of Research program. It was also accepted to receive support from the Climate-KIC Accelerator program of the European Institute for Technology and Innovation. At this year’s competition “Startinsland Ideen Wettbewerb Südwest,” Enit Systems received first place in the category “Science” and doubled its fame upon receipt of the special prize “Green Economy.”


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