The life of Tesla owners can really be tough. There are a lot of problems Tesla owners face after getting the car. As an example, a Missouri lady on the Tesla Motors Club forum recently lamented that her husband keeps making fun of her while they are on vacation. I’ll let her own words explain:
We’re on vacation and my husband keeps making fun of me because I keep forgetting to lock the car. And several times I’ve gotten out of the car and left it running.
And on top of that I’ve nearly rear ended several cars, because I have no regen.
Vacation isn’t nearly as much fun without my Tesla.
Can’t wait to pump gas (heavy sarcasm)!
Ah, life can be tough. I feel for Liz G, and all the other Tesla owners out there who sometimes have to rent crappy gasmobiles.
In all seriousness, since the internet is a funny place where ton of voice is completely absent, I’m definitely not making fun of Liz G’s “troubles.” Rather, like her, it’s the out-of-date nature of so many non-Teslas and non-EVs, in general, that I want to highlight. The world is changing, as it always does. Teslas and EVs, in general, are better vehicles. These are just some of the small things that better, but the story is a good way to highlight something so many EV owners know: going back to a gasoline-powered car is, indeed, going backwards.
We’ve all experience it with one thing or another. Going back to a crappy PC after buying an Apple computer, using an old phone instead of our smartphone (I actually use an old phone, as I have almost no use of a smartphone, but I assume that many people find these things very useful and panic when they are without theirs), etc. As time marches on, more and more people realize that they can never go back to enjoying a gasmobile.
These troubles also echo stories I’ve heard of EV owners not on vacation. Many times, a household has two cars and one of them becomes an EV (a Nissan LEAF, Tesla Model S, or even Chevy Volt). It doesn’t take long for the spouse who stuck with the gasmobile to realize that the other car is much nicer to drive. The person who originally “got” the EV ends up not being able to drive it… thanks to the spouse confiscating it. The solution? Buy another EV, of course!
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