Imergy Power Receives Order From Hawaii’s Energy Research Systems

Fremont, California–based Imergy Power, a provider of advanced energy storage systems, has received an order from Hawaii’s Energy Research Systems for four of its flow battery systems. Two of them are for residential customers, one is for an institution, and one is for a microgrid customer. Dr. Herve Mazzocco, Director of Business Development for Imergy Power Systems, generously agreed to answer some questions about the order.

1. How much does one ESP5 5 kW system cost?

Our pricing is confidential, but we can say that our performance and price points are the best in the industry. The cost of an Imergy battery depends on several factors – the power size and the discharge duration are typical examples of the factors driving that cost. Our cost structure is substantially below the pricing for an equivalent capability delivered by other battery technologies. Because an Imergy battery is very long-lived, we can deliver the lowest Levelized Cost Of Stored Energy (LCOSE) of any competitor in the market.

2. How long does it take to install, connect, and make one of your battery systems operational?

It is a one day process from delivery to site to commissioning.

3. Do your two residential customers have solar or wind power systems that generate electricity they want to store?

They are coupling our system with Solar PV systems.

4. Is the microgrid customer in Hawaii? And what will that customer use your technology for?

Yes, on the Big Island they have an operating microgrid where they have solar PV, and other battery technologies. They will use our system to supplement the existing set up and get familiar with our technology.

5. How will the use of ESP5s help Hawaii build a clean energy grid?

In many locations the grid is saturated with intermittent solar energy production leading to challenges for the utility in providing reliable, clean and low-cost electricity. The adoption of our product at the residential, C&I and utility level will improve the ability to use all of the existing solar power and allow for higher penetration of solar and other renewable over time. Affordable, safe and long life energy storage systems like ours will enable Hawaii to achieve their aggressive RPS goal.

6. Could battery storage systems help replace conventional peaker plants that burn natural gas?

Yes. Depending on the situation, Imergy’s battery can deliver long duration at affordable prices. And, it has the additional benefit of being able to absorb generation in excess of demand as well as supply electricity – a dual function that a peaker plant cannot provide.

7. How much does building a new natural gas peaker plant cost compared with adding battery storage?

The Levelized Cost of Energy for a gas peaker plant ranges from $0.17-$0.23 per kW/h. The Levelized Cost of Energy for an Imergy battery is competitive and also provides the Utility with the added value of instantaneous delivery of electricity, and it absorbs excess generation when renewable are providing more generation than the system can absorb.

8. Will the technical school’s science center use the ESP5 as a working example of energy storage to help students learn?

Yes. They will also use the system to demonstrate the feasibility of a larger microgrid for the entire campus.

9. Solar and wind power have been criticized as being unreliable, but effective electricity storage is the solution to intermittency. Do you envision having your technology at thousands of solar and wind power generation sites?

Many utilities, like in Hawaii, are starting to require firming and dispatchability for renewable sources. Our technology, which can deliver long duration for energy shifting while providing fast response ancillary services will definitely play a big role in the utility of the future. While we can be co-located with wind and solar power generation, the beauty of storage is that it need not be co-located to serve the functions of providing for greater penetration of renewables.

10. If a prospective customer wanted an energy storage system with a capacity of 10 MW, could you provide that by using multiple, connected batteries?

Our building blocks are 5kW, 30kW and 250kW, they are plug and play units that can be paralleled to deliver 10MW for 4 to 8 hours.

11. What is your company looking forward to most about working with new customers?

Imergy offers the most affordable, safe and long life energy storage technology. These installations will demonstrate Imergy’s capabilities and help to continue the rapid transformation to cleaner more reliable and cost efficient energy.


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