Plots compare in Neware BTSDA

If you tested a batch of batteries and want to compare the plots/curves of them, Neware BTSDA makes it possible easily, please follow the instruction here.

compare battery test result plots
Open BTSDA and choose the Plot/curve compare icon button.
compare battery test result plots
This is what the plot/curve compare function looks like, click the + sign to open 2 or more results in a bulk/batch.
compare battery test result plots
A fileopen dialog will shows up, choose one or more files, for better result, the files should be same/similar test performed on same batteries.
compare battery test result plots
You can tell we loaded/opened 8 files fro the left colorful checkbox lists.
compare battery test result plots
Check the data/plot, it will be added to the right side of the plot area.
compare battery test result plots
And you can also choose different plots/curves to compare the data from different angles.
compare battery test result plots
The right side could be split into two parts, plots/curves on the top and detailed data on the bottom.

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