Albertans Want More Wind Energy, Support for Renwables

A recent study suggest Albertans want more wind energy, as not enough has been done to grow provincial renewable energy.

Canadian Wind Energy Association (CANWEA) and Nanos Research have compiled some interesting results on the matter.

Nearly 86% of respondents agreed or somewhat agreed wind energy is a good solution in battling greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, 80% of Albertans said more should be done to boost wind energy within the province. Currently, Alberta ranks third in overall Canadian wind capacity, behind Ontario and Quebec. Wind power is becoming the cheapest electricity option in many parts of the US, according to a study done by finance agency Lazard, as well as many other regions of the world.

Albertans are looking in a cleaner direction as they try to move away from oil. Over 90% of those surveyed somewhat agreed or agreed that renewables are a vital part of their future energy mix. Meanwhile, 83.8% of respondents were positive or partly positive about more provincial government investment in renewables like solar and wind.

In terms of best environmental advice Albertans would give new premier Jim Prentice, the largest percentage (34%) said increase renewable energy supplies. 24% suggested more emphasis on energy conservation and efficiency. Rounding out the list was 18% for protecting fresh water supplies; 6% protecting wildlife; and 5% each for decreasing new oil and gas development and battling climate change.

Based on demographic research from this survey, women and younger people (30 and under) are more supportive towards renewables. Almost 86% of those younger than 30 said renewable energy is important for Alberta’s future (in comparison to 70.8% over 30). More women than men (84.1% compared to 73.1) said more access to future renewable energy sources is vital.

If demographics are true, keep your eye out for Alberta. Considering younger families are becoming more common in the province, it could sway towards more progressive politics and environmental policies in the future.

These numbers are encouraging in a province that sees potential in renewables and hopefully wants to get way from fossil fuels one day.


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