At the world’s biggest electronics show, electronica in Munich, ROHM Semiconductor will present its most recent developments from the company’s R&D centers as well as co-developments with partners which have been manufactured in its fully integrated production sites. The new devices feature future-oriented properties reflecting latest material research, proprietary process and packaging technologies. Designed to meet the ever increasing demand for highly efficient functionality, ultra-low power consumption, miniaturization, reduction of cost and the number of components they enable easier – and greener – designs while providing optimum performance. Focal areas will be innovative power management solutions for a broad range of applications, such as Automotive, inverters, converters and wireless consumer products, to just name a few. In addition, ROHM welcomes visitors to join its expertise in LED driver technology at the Automotive Forum.
Having introduced the world’s first mass produced full SiC modules; ROHM currently offers 1200V/120A and 1200V/180A high voltage types. Brand new half-bridge modules and a new 1200V/300A type with higher voltage and current rating which achieve tremendous switching loss reduction, expand this portfolio. High-performance, cost-effective next generation SiC MOSFETs featuring low on-resistance and high speed switching add to this as well. Designers have the option for an integrated anti-parallel SiC SBD diode, saving board space and weight and simplifying their layout.
ROHM’s new AEC-Q100 qualified synchronous buck converter family of low Iqdc-dc converter ICs integrates low-resistance MOSFETs and sophisticated SLLM™ (Simple Light Load Mode) control that ensure high energy efficiency and best performance, both at low and high load while maintaining a regulated output voltage. Apart from a wide input range and maximum output current, they also offer soft start capability, adjustable switching frequency, selectable forced pwm operation and multiple protection features.
ROHM’s wide range of low power devices includes Lapis MCUs, wireless products, market leading accelerometers from Kionix and ROHM’s wide sensor lineup including proximity and UV sensors. Advanced MEMS design and innovative materials such as amorphous metal as well as thin film piezoelectric elements offer breakthrough energy-savings and compact packaging. These products are perfectly suited to develop versatile wearable devices that provide unprecedented functionality.
ROHM’s new Schottky barrier diodes utilize a special metal optimized for high temperature operation, resulting in the industry’s lowest IR. In addition, thermal runaway is prevented in order to provide maximum reliability, making them ideal for automotive systems and power supplies. They are also suitable for replacing rectification diodes for dramatically lower Vf and power consumption in EVs and HEVs while contributing to end-product miniaturization.
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