Two NREL Scientists Named to Highly Cited Researcher List

Two scientists at the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory have been included in Thomson Reuters’ Highly Cited Research list for the thousands of citations of their work by fellow researchers over the past decade.
The Highly Cited Researcher list represents some of the world’s leading scientific minds. Researchers earned the distinction by writing the greatest numbers of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators as “Highly Cited Papers” — ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field — earning them the mark of exceptional impact.
Thomson Reuters also named the two NREL researchers, Senior Research Fellow Emeritus Art Nozik and Principal Scientist Keith Emery, to the company’s 2014 World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds List.
NREL research fellow Art Nozik has been cited 22,036 times since 2009, says Google Scholar. In 2011, Nozik’s group at NREL was the first to report on a solar cell that produces a photocurrent that has an external quantum efficiency greater than 100 percent when excited with photons from the high energy region of the solar spectrum. Nozik and his NREL colleagues employed quantum dots that confine charge carriers within their tiny volumes, so they can harvest excess energy that otherwise would be lost as heat – and therefore greatly increase the efficiency of converting photons into usable energy.
“I was rather surprised (about the designation), considering the absence of many high-profile international scientists in my scientific discipline,” Nozik said. “However, I am also very honored to be included in this international list.”
Emery’s work has been cited 10,036 times since 2009, according to Google Scholar. Emery built a world-class facility at NREL for testing and characterizing solar cells and modules. Accredited measurements from his labs are considered the gold standard by the U.S. and international PV communities. Claims of solar cell efficiency don’t gain widespread acceptance until they are verified by Emery’s lab.
“I was surprised because my publications are not fundamental science or breakthrough-oriented, but instead are measurement technology papers,” Emery said in response to the news. “I was very proud to be recognized for myself, NREL, and the area of photovoltaics (PV) measurements.” Emery said that because his lab’s goal is to transfer PV performance measurement technology to the community, “being highly cited is an indication of success.”
The list compilers surveyed citations in 21 fields of the sciences and social sciences, such as physics, biology and biochemistry, clinical medicine, and geosciences, among others. Of the tens of thousands of researchers in each field, about 200 were listed as those most cited. Nozik was honored in chemistry and Emery in engineering.
NREL Education Programs Manager Linda Lung has been honored with the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Mentorship Award from the Federal Labs Consortium Mid-Continent Region. She received the award for outstanding work in furthering science and technical education and making NREL a leader in workforce development. Lung will receive her recognition at a reception and dinner in August.
Lung’s Education Programs group mentors teachers, manages the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship, hosts the Colorado Solar and Lithium Ion Car Races for middle-school students, and the Colorado Science Bowl for high school students — among many other programs. “Ms. Lung and her program touched an amazing number of individuals,” the judges said in a statement. “Not only is she a great leader and mentor, her program also really impressed the judges.”
“Because of the diversity and range of education programs at NREL there is always something new and exciting happening here,” Lung said. “I’ve had the pleasure of seeing some of the middle school students who have participated in the car competitions come back to NREL as undergraduate interns in the labs. I’m honored to receive national recognition with this prestigious award.”
NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy’s primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for the Energy Department by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.


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